upsi chooses
peace beat
with each beat
summon peace
settle into new
stone soup (why gather together?)
I came to this swamp. Out of the forest. Alone. Weary. Hungry. Homeless.
I saw lights. I smelled smoke and animals. I felt and held hope.
I arrived at a closed door. I took a deep breath. I knocked. A face. My empty hands. Silence. A door closed in my face.
I came upon another door. I took a deep breath. I knocked. A face. My empty hands. I begged. A door closed on my body.
I dragged myself to the last door. I took a deep breath. I knocked. A face. My empty hands. I cried. A door closes. I turn my back.
I have nothing. I am nothing. I am alone. I still am. I have me.
I sit down in the dark. Alone. I build a fire. Alone. I go to the well. Alone. There is water. Warm water will do. I have me and I have a fire and I have warm water.
I place my pot of water in the fire. I sit down before the fire. I feel warmth. I look into the fire. I disappear into its flames. Cracks and pops. Crickets. My tapping foot. My humming throat. A stepping foot. A body from behind. Bends over the fire. Opens their hands. A potato falls, plunk, into the pot.
They sit down before the fire. Feel warmth. We look toward one another, into the flames. Cracks and pops. Crickets. My tapping foot. Their humming voice. A stepping foot. A body from behind. Bends over the fire. Opens their hands. A carrot, plunk, falls into the pot.
They sit down before the fire. Feel warmth. Three bodies around the fire, look into the flames. The smell of sugar and dirt blows before the smoke and cracks and pops. Crickets. Tapping feet. Humming throats. A whistle. A stepping foot. A body from behind. Bends over the fire. Opens their hands. A stone, plunk, falls into our soup.
They sit down before the fire. Feel warmth. They pull from a pocket, two spoons. Back to back spoons clink, make, keep, meet the beat of my tapping foot holds space for a humming throat melody dances with a whistle.
xx we got this
You are invited to share in Stone Soup, safer space for healing through creativity. Where does one begin? Let us feed each other. Let us feed ourselves. Let us come together first, with and through this one simple and essential act.
Stone Soup functions under the premise of first sharing in a communal meal followed by individuals utilizing the space for their own creative practice while also sharing their skills and wisdom with the community. Individuals are always welcome to maintain their own practice alongside the communal-creative-practice, when or if they do not wish take part (introvert-safer-space).
enter with the intention of exploring your own creative being
enter with the intention of maintaining peace in the community
understand that if conflict arises, mediation will take place, with the goal of maintaining the communal safer space
please send a message if you are interested in initiating a stone soup gathering or if you have questions
1.2.19 The first incarnation of Hearth was rad. It was a slow swelling wave, cooperative, communal, patient. The perfect beginning for a life-experiment-practice.
sink into this space - feel all the walls dissolving - reality grows
visitors-guests-participants ∆a musician-not-musician-kind-new-friend ∆a fierce-student-teacher-comrade ∆an honest-humble-warrior ∆a wise-graceful-giggle ∆a resistance-summoner-writer ∆an eloquent—sharp-eye ∆a rebel-incognito ∆a bubbling-singing-spring ∆a rad-dog-named-lava
soup 10 mouths fed with (7€) big butternut squash, sour apple, sweet apple, big celery nob, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, salt, balsamic vinegar, spicy mustard
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
Evolution is slow, it takes time, it does not waste time, it can not be sped up without compromising design-balance-harmony.
Gravity can be felt and built.
Improvisation has 3 possible moves. 1. play with the other 2. play against the other 3. do nothing.
we need
an acoustic piano, help learning German in a creative-engaging way, money
things upsidogi discovered
my dancing shadow when created by colored-shifting-light is RAD and bizarre
8.2.19 Round two. Concentrated. Cycles revealed. Wisdom arrived.
this blooming orchid - can’t be willed or forced to open - nature is slow mo - hips walking upright - clicking beat hearts align wind - shifts water flows down
visitors-guests-participants ∆an inquisitive-nose ∆a honest-ally ∆a sprinting-through-the-thicket-of-the-mind ∆a sun-seeking-summoner ∆a smile-felt-a-ripple ∆a sharp-undertone ∆blues-and-metal
stone soup 4 mouths fed with (5€) 1/2 white cabbage, 2 carrots, black vinegar, turmeric, sumac, 3 dried chilies, brown sugar, needed more salt *gifted parsley root (our first stone soup!)
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
The only constant is the individual.
emergent events - emergent beats - emergent patterns - emergent rhythms
The Blues the blues the blues
we need
a small sail boat, a bike
things upsidogi discovered
stay still and a wondrous world will wash up on my shores
open blinds to sun - window to sounds outside in - they dance with us - slow mo nomad witch - sits still inside boxed in - energy awaits
visitors-guests-participants ∆a rock-of-strength-and-courage ∆a whisper-seeking-language ∆a truthful-tired-warrior
soup 4 mouths fed with (6€) a huge sweet potato, parsnip, 2 apples, 3 onions, garlic, can of white beans, caraway, thyme, balsamic vinegar, chili, salt
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
Inaction (a choice to not participate) employed as the action of resistance.
The individual’s voice is not respected by our current society. Accessibility to learning a language must be secured (vocal, musical, visual, technological) as simply having a voice is not enough to be listened to.
Architecture dictates our movements and molds our relationships.
we need
a safe-secure-space
things upsidogi discovered
dont need permission - to use this body - set free possibilities
trees reach tall roots crawl - deep universe of soil - wise secret seekers
visitors-guests-participants ∆an open-heart-home ∆a painted-smiling-piper ∆a fiery-song-bird ∆a warm-rock-greets-the-sea ∆a giggling-alpine-roamer ∆a serious-sharp-witch ∆a breath-of-fresh-air
soup 9 mouths fed with donated demeter soli veggies from Brandenburg- potatoes, parsnip, carrots, onions, garlic, can of white beans, sumac, chili, turmeric, salt
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
contribution verses donation - what are we responsible for…
when sharing-offering our creativity to ‘others-the public-an audience’ do we give-take-converse?
how can we come-create-together through-with-the-knowledge-of-fear
we need
a structure - stepping stones - to continue clearing a pathway
things upsidogi discovered
the fierce sapling of - courage pushes through dead leaves - first leap of blind faith
trees reach tall roots crawl - deep universe of soil - wise secret seekers
set the stage with objects - expectation’s stone crumbles - human enters right
or wrong don’t matter - to sniffing dog stop smells licks - experience>know.
visitors-guests-participants ∆an open-heart-home ∆stytch ∆upsidogi
soup 3 mouths fed with donated demeter soli veggies from Brandenburg
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
when something is so complex, where-how does one enter-begin to understand?
using what this-society throws away, engaging with what-who this-society ignores
still (always?) - how can we come-create-together through-with-the-knowledge-of-fear
we need
still (always?) a structure - stepping stones - to continue clearing a pathway - bodies to join us
things upsidogi discovered
one way to help feel safe. a blanket comfort>soft-close-warm-secure-full-body-contact
i asked-intended to summon courage…
i gathered 3 branches, 3 different ways of budding-blooming
upsi summons pink - and neon green of spring buds - pushing through the bark - birthing parts are paired - with pain of pushing through to - new way of being
visitors-guests-participants ∆an open-heart-observer ∆upsidogi ∆stytch ∆a thoughtful-truth-sharer ∆a humble-supportive-songbird ∆an inquisitive-spider
stone soup donated demeter soli veggies from Brandenburg, gifted carrots, celery, zucchini, onion AND kiwi and banana, we even had stone-fruit-salad!
3 discussed ideas-perspectives
the conscious tool of practicing with the intention of NOT producing good-beautiful-productive results… how it can free us and nurture a safe space for growth
avatars! who-what we present ourselves as and how the employment of building an avatar can empower-free-stimulate the creator and also bind-suffocate-blind the creator
we feel ready to move out of suffering. we have learned from the suffering. we have created because of the suffering. suffering is not the only fountain of inspiration. it is time to build the new, it is time for joy. ∆how the joy dance with - its excitement chemicals - can summon courage - to come together - a throbbing body shifting - activating peace
we need
to organize
things upsidogi discovered
again i learn-remember, i exist as an in-between dweller. i find myself again and again, living NOT marginalized, but rather intentionally occupying the middle-ground which holds the potential to divide or to connect. i am a weaver.
upsidogi discovered
one way to help feel safe. a blanket comfort>soft-close-warm-secure-full-body-contact
7 individuals arrived
intention-focus-discussion >
expectations and trust
no matter where the
sunset is incredible
this spinning world
2 individuals arrived
intention-focus-discussion >
acknowledgement and activation
let us remind each
other with our bodies we
are anything! free!