Watched the bumble bee
Gather from asymmetry,
Its whole survival.
Towers of clover.
Each structure a pink-white bloom.
Pollen in waiting.
Bumble bee slips toes and
Tongue in, a dance of one yet
For hive’s harmony.
Moth arrived, same dance,
Same hunger. Another style.
A tightrope walk.
Wings held together.
Slate-gray-blue balancing, black
Fine lines draw legs and
Antennae. Counter-
Weight is moth’s dance. Harmony
Held in one body.
One child cries out.
A mother stirs. Each child
And mother follow.
Harmony of cries
In a public park, the walls
Of home disappear.
Crows caw next squawking
Of the departing creatures.
Carcass to scavenge.
You told us of the
Birds and the bees but you left
Out diversity.