upsi continues her repetitions walks of nomadic peace

upsi watches as paths widen bodies arrive willing a new way

dancing a new distance to be together-strong-peace

upsi accepts nature’s offered hand accepts self her participation

holds space for healing harm reduction practiced for and from body

learning from necessity how to be alone

learning how to make peace at home


recorded 16.6.18

I do not regret

Most movements I have made and

Make. I follow my


Stomach and hungry

Belief in the story I

Am telling myself.


You, creature of smoke

And potted verdure, regrets

Sprout in our lost shade.


Stomach pained as I

Poisoned our safe space, drinking

From the putrid well,


The lies power pours,

Strangle our other-creatures

Of joy of love of


Life and so I blood-

Let our time not knowing it

Was dying and who


Held the knife. I tried

To love outside the box while

I sliced away at


My body, desire.

I drank our time before I

Loved myself, before


I believed in what

We were. I drank time trusting

The spring would not dry.

recorded 21.6.18

recorded 14.6.18