upsi chooses

peace beat



with each beat

summon peace

settle into new





11.5.19-16.5.19 ∆call to arms-core-kunt-balanced-peace

hold my space break their

addiction to pushing past

no! i hold that right.

part by part i march

forward is a returning

to myself to love

to choose to learn to

grow and build with broken parts

we come together.

generations of

human bodies used as tools

to build-maintain the

power greed fear hate

industries turned us to cogs

remove myself of

all the ways they bound

our bodies tighter without

air to think dream speak

[can i remember myself in the first moments of life untouched by learned patters?]

[focus my intentions - hone my tool - stop the scattered mania which keeps me stagnant]

white snow drops queen anne’s

lace crocus daisy reminds

me its not her lace

its her queen’s shroud of

dignity shared gifts giving

not for defending.


grass grows taller and

upsi shrinks smaller into

dirt swirl lush cycle


night fox she trotted

toward floating upsi rolls through

may rain soaks our coats

night sky breaks moon takes

stage curtained by velvet fog

berlin crescendo

4.5.19-10.5.19 ∆our-a-this moment's battle