∆from today, here and now, upsidogi writes directly into the books. of these bookshelves. this is upsidogi∆
upsidogi watches from high in her nest, down into the garden∆world. where she has just been-nurturing-slowing-watching-dancing. upsidogi watches as a human moves through the garden∆world. human looks. stop-watch-learns. they look up at upsidogi. she waves. they wave.
we got this
upsidogi stop-watch-learns her demons. and now they have begun to talk. her demon turns and whispers, honey and thorns dripping from their lips,
each interaction is sacred <Jun 16 recorded 16.6.18>
upsidogi is learning. not just stop-watch-learning, but sinking in the mud of the sea floor. a stop-feel-learn. upsidogi’s shamans arrive. and keeps arriving. d told upsidogi her demon can be her ally. to stop-feel-learn them. to offer them the open-warm-waiting-palm.
each interaction is sacred.
now when upsidogi comes up for what was air when the world was upsidedown, she suffocates. air in this upsidedown world is fear-hate-violence. she feels how humans breath fear-hate-violence. she feels how she too breaths fear-hate-violence. how easy it is. but upsidogi works to do the stop-feel-learn-dance with herself and with other humans.
like plowing a frozen field. the together-strong-peace-dance is a hard dance to do in this upsidedown world. this is the upsidedown world because humans do not even know it is a dance to do. the together-strong-peace-dance is a hacking through the jungle of what stephie learned, of what ali learned. hack through the learned fear-hate-jungle. gently. and listen. upsidogi stop-watch-listens to peace-ripples lapping at her body.
we got this
upsidogi does the loose-wrist-shake when she gets scared-fear-doubt. she shakes it off. shakes it away. and she breaths. breaths. deeper. slower.
we got this
do the together-strong-peace-dance upsidogi. first with yourself. don’t feed the fear-hate. shake it off mamma, we got this mamma. don’t feed the child’s tantrum. <Jun 14 recorded 14.6.18> let them tire, wailing mamma in your arms. let them sleep. we will calm down. we will clean up. we will be doing the together-strong-peace-dance when they wake. <Sep 9 VI ∆The Vortex>
the raven and the echo caw. upsidogi moves downhill toward-through-with neighborhood-birds-trees-sky-swirl